Health AND Physical Education
At Tanjil South Primary School we have a fully qualified teacher delivering a comprehensive Health and Physical Education program throughout the school.
All students receive fitness and skill development activities each week in a wide variety of areas. Some examples of the subject matter being covered include: swimming, athletics, golf, netball, basketball, soccer, afl, t-ball, hardcourt hockey, tennis, bat tennis, minor games and fitness related drills and games.
We participate in School Sport Victoria competitions where students show excellence in a particular sporting area and in 2016 students have participated in two sports delivered by coaches and in 2020 we expanded our rage of sporting equipment through the Sporting Schools initiative funded by the government.
Health is delivered for one hour each week for all students and looks at many different subjects and topics depending upon the age of the students. There is a big focus on personal health and fitness, developing healthy lifestyle lifetime habits, nutrition, friendships and relationships only to name a few. The Life-Education Van visits the school on an annual basis to assist in the delivery of up to date topics in Health Education.

Digital Technologies
Our school has kept up to date with the acquisition of digital technology devices to a level where there is a one to one ratio of computers to students. We use computers to engage in adaptive online software for English development, for word processing, for media presentations and for a variety of other educational pursuits. Currently students are trialing an online Maths program and beginning to use video editing software for oral presentations


All students at Tanjil South Primary School participate in Art classes for an hour session per week.
Lessons are based around the Elements and Principles of Design, such as: line, shape, direction, size, texture, colour and value. These are the basic foundations of art pieces and structures. Students are always encouraged to be creative and use their imagination in Art lessons.
A wide variety of techniques and skills are demonstrated to students and introduced to them early on in their education so that they have numerous opportunities to experiment and develop a skill set in this subject area. Some of the techniques that students are exposed to include: mosaics, origami, weaving, collages, line drawings, 3-D constructions and various styles of painting.
In Term 1 students focus on decorating a large cake box which is displayed and sold at our annual cake auction. This is a school tradition which has been running for many years. Each year the Junior class and Senior class are given a theme to work within. Students enjoy this activity and take pride in their creation. Designing and creating an art piece for the Tanjil Valley Art show is our focus in Term 2. Our students enter the Under 13 years Youth section and they have a choice of producing a 2-D or 3-D exhibit. The topic changes annually and students work on their master piece in each lesson for most of this term.
For the second half of the year, students are given mini and major projects to work on. Some tasks require independent work whilst others involve group work. A range of materials are supplied by the school for students to access and become confident using to broaden their skill development and confidence. Over the past few years we have invited some local artists to visit the school to display some of their work and share some tips with the students as well as motivate them and hopefully stir a passion for Art.

Performing Arts
The product of our performing arts program is a concert that is performed on the graduation evening each year. The students have preformed a few different things ranging from a Christmas Themed song program, to a movie version of a stage play recorded against a blue screen, so we could import any background we required. This year the students are thinking of a new theme to preform.

Tanjil South PS has launched its new Junior School Council program where students who are nominated by their peers to represent them to school council. The regular meetings will be student driven and highly professional. Confidence, public speaking and leadership are all skills students gain from the JSC program. Along with our compliment circles, kids teaching kids initiative, oral presentations on projects and now being aligned with the Moe small schools cluster for events only provides increased opportunities to further their leadership skills.